Example Issue: Five Ways to Add Value to Your Home This Weekend
Welcome to the first edition of Agent Monday, the secret weapon real estate professionals use to source high-quality content for newsletters, websites, blogs, social media posts and prospecting letters.
There is a common theme in our industry: Salespeople find it hard to constantly come up with new content to share in their marketing channels. Many successful salespeople feel comfortable talking to clients in person but dislike writing-based tasks.
SOLUTION: A whole lot of useful content, delivered to you each week, so you don't need to go looking for it. Saving your most important asset: TIME.
Once you sign up to Agent Monday, you receive a weekly email (every Monday, of course) with a copyright-free article you can share with your audience. In this edition, it's: '5 ways to add value to your home this weekend'.
As a subscriber, you can use this article any way you like. You don't have to link back to us. You can copy and paste the text and put it in your letters, social posts, on your website. Wherever you like. Feel free to put your own spin on it if you want to!
On top of this, each week you will receive copyright-free images, a template property advert or business system idea or a prospecting letter template and a tips area for agents - scroll down to read 'How to get a listing this week'.
Don't spend time looking for great content online, we'll deliver it to your inbox every week, like clockwork. Your time is precious and should be spent talking to buyers and sellers, not searching for images online or trying to cure writer's block.
5 ways to add value to your home this weekend...
Are you looking for cost-effective ways to add value to your home? Would you like to increase your potential selling price or valuation without spending the earth?
When it comes to renovating, costs can spiral out of control if you are not careful. So this list has been prepared with frugal-ness top of mind!
1. Paint your front door.
It's amazing what a difference a good first impression makes. I normally advise sticking to neutral tones when painting inside or out but when it comes to your front door - don't be afraid to go bold. Ask the paint salesperson for advice about what's popular and take a photo of your home with you so you can ask their advice when choosing a colour.
No matter what colour you choose, a fresh coat of paint will make your home look more modern and fresh.
2. New shower head and toilet seats
Simple changes but so often overlooked. You can buy new showerheads and toilet seats for a relatively small cost and instantly make your bathroom appear more modern without taking on a full renovation. For bonus points - update the shower curtain while you're there if you have one.
Click here to view the full article and download it for use in your emails, blog posts, social media posts and more (subscribers only).
Images you can use anywhere...

How to get a listing this week
1. Go back through withdrawn listings.
Ask your manager for a list of withdrawn properties that are 'orphaned'. That's where the listing agent no longer works at your office and so it's likely no-one is keeping in touch with those owners. They might be ready to give selling another go.
2. Target properties that have been online longer than 90 days.
Many agents are slow when it comes to getting their owners to sign listing authority extensions. Some owners won't have heard from their salesperson in weeks. Get in touch and see if you can help them as a buyer, let the relationship develop from there and if you earn their trust, you'll be in prime position to be their second listing agent. And sometimes it's better to go second!
3. Drive around your suburb looking for skip-bins or scaffolding.
Kindly ask the owner if they are considering selling in the near future. Door knocking is hard, but at least with this approach, you are targeting people who are highly likely to be planning 'something'.
4. Contact properties for rent.
Especially if they have been available for a few weeks. Ask them what their dream sale price would be, followed by, "If I found you a buyer who was willing to pay your price, would you consider selling?". You can offer to take it on as a 'quiet' listing while they keep looking for a tenant. Someone on your database might just be the perfect buyer for that home.
5. Go back through your not-so-hot appraisals from the past 24 months.
In real estate, we are often guilty of concentrating our time on urgent clients. The ones who are ready to move now. That's all good and well, but don't forget about the ones who take a little longer to get themselves ready.
Are there appraisals you completed 6 months ago who didn't seem like they were in a hurry to sell? Well, right about now they might just be getting serious. Don't let another salesperson beat you to the punch.
Click here to join Agent Monday.
Property Advert Template...
Struggling with writers block? Most of us find writing property adverts a challenge. Here is a sample one that you can edit to suit your new listing, or save for later use.
This was written for a renovated 3 bedroom 'first' home but could be adapted to suit almost any property:
Get it right first time…
When we sit down with first home buyers we always recommend buying a sunny home, with easy access, preferably of solid weatherboard construction. If you can nail that combination then you are surely off to a good start.
Not only does (INSERT ADDRESS) tick all those boxes, but it also comes with a fenced section with a flat grass lawn and plenty of room for the trampoline! There is a paved outdoor area with built-in seating which is connected to the lounge and dining area (perfect for BBQ’s) and the entire house enjoys scenic views and an ideal sun aspect.
Inside you will find a 3 bedroom home stylishly renovated throughout by the current owners. If you want a home where you can just move in and relax, then this is the one for you!
Nature lovers and pet owners alike will cherish the position, neighbouring an off-leash dog walking area, complete with streams and rolling green meadows. There is a bus stop right outside too and it’s just a short 400m walk to the local shops, kindergarten and primary school.
The roof is modern and the exterior has just been re-painted. There is a heatpump and HRV to keep you warm through winter along with ceiling and underfloor insulation. It’s all ready for you to enjoy. What’s more, this home is not being sold with a deadline so you don’t have to wait.
Call me on (INSERT PHONE NUMBER) to make this home yours.
Download advert (Microsoft Word friendly)
Social media content ideas...
Resene's hottest colours to watch in 2020:
Tenancy Services Market Rent search page (for NZ):
Thanks for reading!
Now available in Issue 2:
Feature article: How to convert your garage to a home office
Agent advice: How to run a 5 star open home
Resource: Post-lockdown farm area prospecting letter.
Plus more images and other useful content to help you grow your business.