Agent Advice
Staying motivated in a tough market
This is the market where you lay the foundation for future dominance. This is the market where the changing of the guard happens, where you become the go-to local real estate expert.
Motivational advice to help you climb out of a rut, find more energy, or bounce back after missing out on a listing.
Agent Advice
This is the market where you lay the foundation for future dominance. This is the market where the changing of the guard happens, where you become the go-to local real estate expert.
Agent Advice
We need to find ways to celebrate our success on a regular and consistent basis. To take stock and remind ourselves (and our ever-patient families) why we do what we do.
Agent Advice
When it comes to advancing your real estate career, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all the possibilities. When in fact, all that really matters is how you answer one question: How many people will you reach this week? Specifically, how many people will you engage with via
Agent Advice
There is a place for delegation in real estate. In fact, delegating is critical if you want to free up your time to focus on high-value activities. But lately, I'm seeing a move towards a different kind of outsourcing. Companies believe you can outsource your prospecting and your
Agent Advice
One of the biggest real estate career killers is the blame game trap. When the going gets tough, it's easy to blame your office, your manager, the market, or your vendors. Even your spouse. You name it, it's easy to find a scapegoat for your troubles.
Agent Advice
It's ok to feel the way you feel. You are not alone.
Real estate can be a lonely job, especially if you don't have someone in the industry you can trust. A person you can talk to about the challenges you face on a daily basis. Typically, your manager would fill this role. Still, many of you work in situations
Agent Advice
Because what's the point of succeeding in real estate if it comes at the cost of your relationships with the ones you love most?
Change is coming. Now is the time to double down on all your marketing and prospecting activities.
Agent Advice
Ideas to help you deal with the loss, bounce back quickly and get the property sold as soon as possible.
Agent Advice
Spend 5% of your time on the problem (I missed out) and 95% of your time on the solution (what am I going to do differently next time).
Agent Advice
Do you find it hard to tick off everything on your to do list? You are not alone. Most of us start each day with grand intentions - scribbling down a long list of seemingly important tasks, only to get pulled in twenty different directions once the phone starts ringing