How to be the only agent they call in

How to be the only agent they call in
Photo by Elena Koycheva / Unsplash

The holy grail of real estate sales is to have owners call you in to sell high-quality, well-priced houses with zero competition from other salespeople.

That's when you know you've cracked the code. Getting there takes work, but the reward is worth it.

The key to reaching this pinnacle of real estate performance is for owners to see you as the expert in your marketplace. For that to happen, they need to see you demonstrate proficiency over an extended period.

What does that look like in practice?

Homeowners need to receive high-quality information from you on a regular basis that answers their biggest questions:

If your marketing speaks directly to the questions on their mind and offers balanced advice, they don't need to speak to anyone else. They have already found their real estate expert.

The opposite of being seen as an expert, a standout, or a go-to leader in your space, is to be seen as a commodity. Or at least, extremely similar to the other options available in the market. When that happens, the only way owners can differentiate between salespeople is by their commission rate and their 'free' marketing package.

If you are sick of losing listings over your commission rate, the answer is to stand out from the crowd by positioning yourself as THE local expert.

Understand your target market and grow your income
Help your target market answer their biggest questions and you’ll massively increase your chances of winning the listing.

How to reach homeowners

Use these methods to send out expert real estate information to your marketplace...

You don't need to use all these approaches. Pick one or two that suit your style and stick to it. If you are in growth mode, or have a small database, use 3-4 methods from the list above. The key to success is consistency. Owners need to see this information every week for 6-12 months before you become their trusted real estate expert. This is especially true if you are new to the industry or don't have a big profile.

Don't give up if you don't see results instantly. The best outcomes in real estate occur when we embrace delayed gratification.

If you want to speed up the process, up your numbers. Deliver more letterbox drops, get more people on your email list. Make sure you tick off all the tasks in this guide:

The step-by-step guide to building a real estate business.
To get established in real estate you have two key jobs: Build a database, and show everyone you are proficient at selling houses.

Take the next step.

My challenge to you is: What are you going to send out this week?

Whichever article you choose, send it to everyone in your database with an email address. There is no need to fear unsubscribes. Don't limit it to past appraisals, or some filtered group you think is 'safe'. Every single person on your database is a potential client.

Podcast of the week

Your database is a goldmine (Spotify link)

To subscribe to the show, search 'Agent Monday' on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Google podcasts or any popular podcast app.

Song of the week

Looking for music to play at your open homes? Or to lift productivity in your office? Check out the Agent Monday Official Spotify playlist.